Методы изучения английского: TOP-8

3 октября 2017

Учиться легко, когда процесс интересен. Английский может стать любимым языком, если выбрать верную методику обучения. Понятную, эффективную, быструю - такую программу мечтает найти каждый студент. Тесты щелкать, как орешки, свободно вести диалоги на english, пересказывать новые серии “Шерлока Холмса” в оригинале - всего этого можно добиться, если пойти правильным курсом. В статье расскажем о методиках, созданных профессиональными педагогами-лингвистами. У каждой из программ свои особенности. Полагаясь на описание, вам будет проще выбрать максимально подходящий вариант.

Содержание статьи:

8 лучших методик изучения английского языка

Система “Полиглот”

Абсолютный лидер нашего списка - метод, разработанный Дмитрием Петровым. Маркетологи проекта показали эффективность программы на примере 8 студентов, которые в телевизионном формате реалити-шоу овладели языком всего за 16 уроков. Суть методики - в постоянном общении. Проговаривается даже теория, которую обычно принято изучать по учебнику. С самых первых лекций ученики начинают разговаривать на изучаемом языке. С каждым последующим разом навыки крепчают, пополняется лексикон, усваиваются грамматические правила.

Занятия проходят аудиторно, в группе. Студентам задается тема для беседы, и начинается массовое общение. Хобби, любимые фильмы, планы на выходные, питомцы, воспоминания о детстве - разговор может быть на любую тему, главное - говорить, говорить, говорить. И делать это красиво и правильно.

 Методика Драгункина

Это одна из эффективных методик изучения английского языка, которая позволяет быстро освоить азы и выйти на уверенный разговорный уровень. Программа составлена с ориентацией на экспресс-формат. Грамматика подается обобщенно, без погружения в тонкости правил. Фонетика знакомит со всеми ключевыми моментами, которые необходимо учитывать в разговорной речи, учить правильно читать и произносить транскрипции.

Если вы учите язык с нуля и хотите быстро освоить его основы - метод Драгункина идеален. Есть программа и для продвинутых студентов. Но здесь важно один момент: если вы до этого учили язык по другой методике, система Драгункина может вызвать много вопросов. Особенность курса - в своей терминологии и интерпретации правил. Разработчик представил английскую грамматику по своей системе: в отдельную группу объединил все исключения, составил понятную схему для артиклей и неправильных глаголов, создал новые категории слов, логически связанный друг с другом.

Каждая тема логически приходит на смену предыдущей, сложность наращивается постепенно. Автор доказал, что изучение английского по стандартным школьным учебникам - процесс долгий и сложный. Все гораздо проще, чем кажется. Главное найти правильный метод.

Методика Пимслера

Эта быстрая методика изучения английского языка с нуля - вариант для тех, кому нужен американский english. Уникальность программы в том, что она не только помогает познать иностранный язык, но и хорошо тренирует память, расширяет ее ресурсы. Механика курса - в аудио-уроках. Все, что нужно ученику, чтобы выучить английский по Пимслеру, - это наушники и планшет с загруженной на него программой, состоящей из 30 уроков.

Занятие состоит из прослушивания материала: диалоги, монологи, повторения фраз и речевых оборотов. Сначала говорит диктор, затем студент повторяет слова и предложения, следующая фраза состоит из части отработанных словосочетаний и новых - так слоями формируется словарный запас. Без записей и учебников, в памяти.


Метод Шехтера

Этот современный метод изучения английского работает совсем иначе, чем классические способы усвоения информации. Каждому ученику - индивидуальный подход и поиск ключиков к мотивации. Программа Шехтера получила признание в высших кругах власти и шоу-бизнеса. Этот курс выбирают известные политики, общественные деятели, спортсмены и артисты. Процесс эффективен и при этом приятен, мало похож на урок.

Занятие проходит в формате беседы, обсуждения актуальных событий, хобби, образа жизни, целей на будущее учеников. Акцент сделан на самостоятельной работе с информацией - формировании речевых схем и произношении. Вы говорите - преподаватель деликатно корректирует. Так легко понять, в чем ошибка, услышать себя и усвоить правила.

Метод Берлица

Программа позволяет быстро овладеть языком, но при этом считается одной из самых дорогостоящих. Курс BERLITZ можно пройти только за границей - в этом и суть методики. Вы попадаете в новую обстановку, которая требует активации коммуникативных навыков на english. Придется научиться не только говорить, но и думать на иностранном. Это одна из самых зрелых программ, была создана 200 лет назад. Востребована и по сей день.


В чем суть метода:

  • Знакомство с english начинается с разговора. Общение с носителем - основа процесса. Сначала студент говорит, а затем приступает к чтению и графической отработке букв.

    Грамматика, фонетика, лексика также познается во время беседы, которая носит отнюдь не академический характер. Общение на занятиях проходит на отвлеченные от лингвистики темы: первая любовь, забавные случаи из жизни, яркие воспоминания из детства. Педагоги стремятся к тому, чтобы беседа была интересной. Так у ученика зарождается и интерес к языку.

    Никакого русского. Родных слов вы не услышите вплоть до возвращения домой. Только английский. Пусть сначала коряво и неправильно, не важно. С каждым днем навыки будут совершенствоваться.

    Учебники, рабочие тетради, аудиоматериалы, которые вы использовали дома, здесь не пригодятся. Программа уникальна, используются другие инструменты и техники.


Метод Розетты Стоун

Легкий и быстрый способ понять и запомнить новый материал. Никаких правил, таблиц и схем. Вы знакомитесь с английским непринужденно, словно занимаетесь хобби. Занятия проходят в формате беседы. Слушаете, играете в ассоциации, пропускаете через себя и пробуете самостоятельно выстраивать предложения. Несколько повторов и в словарном запасе появятся новые фразы и речевые конструкции. Программа построена от простого к сложному. Не трудно будет даже тем, кто не знаком с английским алфавитом.

Особенность методики - отсутствие перевода и правил. Со значением слов ученик знакомится в контексте. Предложения даются в проекции на жизненные ситуации, с которыми мы сталкиваемся каждый день. Даже не зная значения слова, оно сразу становится понятным. Вы сначала перевариваете материал сами, а затем педагог объясняет спорные моменты.  


Программа Lex!

Эта методика будет полезна тем, кто уже знаком с английским, умеет грамотно составлять предложения, владеет грамматикой. Основная функция Lex! - обогащение словарного запаса. Вы устанавливаете программу на компьютере или ноутбуке и приступаете к занятиям. На мониторе увидите слова, предложения, фразы, которые нужно будет запомнить  воспроизвести (письменно и устно). В сочетании с обучающим материалом идут тесты на выявление уровня, которого достигли в Lex!. Это позволяет понять, сколько пройдено и что ждет вас впереди.

Кроме изучения английского, методика тренирует память, что полезно для учеников разного возраста.

Метод Мюллера

Эта инновационная методика задействует сознательные и подсознательные стороны нашего мышления. Станислав Мюллер обратился к техникам нейропсихологии, которые помогают активизировать ранее скрытые возможности. В основе два приема - метод голографической памяти и система сверхобучаемости:

  • Голографическая память помогает ученику выделить главное, выработать способность к интенсивному усвоению нового материала. Студент начинает логически выстраивать поток знаний, удобно для себя систематизировать каждую его деталь.

    Система сверхобучаемости позволяет ускорить процесс обучения. материал усваивается легче, быстрее и энергоэкономно. Техника грамотно рассчитывает рабочие силы, учебный процесс не утомляет.


Методика идеально подходит для студентов в возрасте 16-18 лет. В изучении английского с детьми лучше отдать предпочтение другим программам.

Советы, как быстро выучить английский язык самостоятельно

Какой бы метод вы не выбрали, для закрепления знаний требуется дополнительная отработка материала. Особенно в проблемных моментах. Чувствуете пробел - его нужно вовремя восполнить. Дадим полезные советы, которые сделают ваше обучение максимально эффективным.

  • Заведите личный словарик. Это может быть простой блокнот, в который вы будете выписывать сложные слов и правила, которые никак не можете запомнить, путаетесь при построении предложения. Но записать не значит закрыть и забыть. Периодически блокнот нужно просматривать и проговаривать слова и фразы сначала про себя, а затем вслух. Три-четыре раза в неделю будет вполне достаточно.
  • Записывайте себя на диктофон. Это нужно для того, чтобы понять, насколько верно вы произносите звуки и их сочетания в различных транскрипциях. Отрывок текста из книги, глава из учебника, стихотворение - используйте жанр на свое усмотрение. Главное четко проговаривать слова и стараться делать интонационные ударения.
  • Стикеры в помощь. Прошли тему - запишите тезисно основные моменты на стикер и расклейте в самых видных местах своего дома: на холодильнике, двери, стене у компьютера. Чем чаще записи буду появляться у вас перед глазами, тем быстрее вы закрепите материал.

  • Больше говорите на английском. Даже если вокруг вас нет носителей языка, ведите диалог со своими близкими, родителями, братьями и сестрами, друзьями. Задавайте им обычные вопросы только на english. И помогайте в ответах. Так вы почувствуете себя и учеником, и учителем, проверите свой уровень, насколько вы способны видеть и исправлять ошибки.

И занимайтесь в радость. Очень важен настрой, с которым вы садитесь за учебники. Информация усваивается гораздо легче, когда вы ее хотите принять. Успехов в учебе!


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pocket bully for sale | 29 ноября 2021 | 3:59

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

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Pocket bully for sale

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Gun Safe

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Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


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Gun Safe

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Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


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Gun Safe

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Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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