Описание курса
Индивидуальные занятия английским с носителем самый быстрый и эффективный способ изучения английского языка, позволяющий максимально быстро достичь поставленных целей, в кратчайшие сроки развить коммуникативные навыки, получив намного больше практики языка для закрепления знаний.
- Название: Simply English School
- Город: Москва
- Адрес: Большой кисловский пер., 1/2
- Телефон: 8 (499) 391-38-56
- Сайт: https://simplyschool.ru/
- Email: info@simplyschool.ru
- VK: https://vk.com/simply_english_school
we will pay you cash for your junk vehicle before we load it on to our truck.What kind of vehicles do you buy? Cars, trucks, SUV’s, vans, camper vans, and buses.Can you buy my car today? Yes, we can pick up your scrap car within hours of our initial conversation.How long does the process take? Approximately 10-15 minutes from start to finish from when the tow truck arrives.What documents do I need? Photo identification to verify that you are the registered owner is all that’s required for scrap car removal.Does our car need to be running in order for you to purchase it? No, we will establish its condition during our phone call with you by getting the make, model, year, kilometers, and condition from you at the start.What if I can’t find the keys? No problem, we can work around that. 안전놀이터
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