Описание курса

Данный курс разработан для тех, кому нужно изучить английский язык хорошо и быстро. Занятия проходят в группах по несколько человек, используется коммуникативная методика. Ученики занимаются по учебным пособиям издательства «Оксфорд» New English File.


Фотографии компании


Нажимая на кнопку, вы даёте согласие на обработку персональных данных и соглашаетесь с политикой обработки персональных данных.
marrie | 19 июля 2023 | 14:43

metamask snaps is a system that allows developers to extend the functionality of MetaMask, creating new end-user experiences.
MetaMask for Firefox is installing the MetaMask extension for Firefox. The MetaMask extension allows you to access Ethereum-enabled distributed applications in your browser by injecting the Ethereum.

TCI Express Tracking | 13 июля 2023 | 15:48

With dependable and efficient tracking services, you can keep track of your TCI Express shipments in real time. Easily keep track of your package's progress and delivery status. To locate your shipments, use the TCI Express Tracking page.

Read more about: TCI Express Tracking

Martinez | 13 июля 2023 | 12:55

Are you experiencing any issues while working on the crypto.com app? If yes, this read is entirely crafted for you as it is compiled with the potential causes that are causing the;crypto Log in issues and the effective tips to resolve the same. Crypto.com is a crypto trading exchange and crypto wallet platform that allows its users to buy, sell, exchange, store and trade over 100 cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2016, the platform has grown at a rapid pace and is currently trusted by 10 million users worldwide.

sofya rose | 8 июля 2023 | 10:10

Ethereum 2.0 staking is the process of participating in the Ethereum network's consensus mechanism by holding and validating transactions using a minimum deposit of 32 ETH in a staking contract, in exchange for rewards in the form of ETH tokens.
Ethereum 2.0 staking