Описание курса

Данный курс разработан для тех, кому нужно изучить английский язык хорошо и быстро. Занятия проходят в группах по несколько человек, используется коммуникативная методика. Ученики занимаются по учебным пособиям издательства «Оксфорд» New English File.


Фотографии компании


Нажимая на кнопку, вы даёте согласие на обработку персональных данных и соглашаетесь с политикой обработки персональных данных.
stevenmark | 17 апреля 2023 | 13:18

Metamask Login also helps warn you when you navigate to sites that are known to have engaged in phishing, or that have names that phishing targets.Coinbase Login my account Manage your account, settings, and more Fraud and funds.

jack maa | 15 апреля 2023 | 12:20

Founded in 2018 and run by BTC King Technologies Co., Ltd. Bkex Exchange is a relatively young exchange.Users may be able to trade tokens on the BNB smart Chain via Biswap a decentralised exchange (DEX).A free, open-source, client-side interface for building and maintaining Ethereum wallets is called MyEtherWallet

Metamask | 13 апреля 2023 | 14:45

metamask is a well-liked cryptocurrency wallet that works with a wide range of tokens that are based on Ethereum as well as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchains that it supports.
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sofya rose | 13 апреля 2023 | 14:10

ShibaSwap is a platform for exchanging goods, services and knowledge. It was founded in 2014 by Galia Geva and Shachar Zisman, who believe that the world would be a better place if everyone knew more about each other and engaged in meaningful exchanges.
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joss stark | 13 апреля 2023 | 13:44

Coinbase is a popular virtual currency investing and trading platform that allows you to swap, sell, and purchase over 200 cryptos, including Dogecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin. Coinbase is a huge exchange with over 108 million active users and over 80 billion dollars in assets on the platform.

Visit here:- Coinbase.com