Методики изучения английского языка

31 декабря 2019

Английский, как один из самых популярных языков в мире, ежедневно изучают миллионы человек из самых разных стран - и примерно столько же бросают эту затею, думая, что языки им неподвластны. На самом деле, проблема не в том, что вы не предрасположены к изучению нового, а в том, как налажен сам процесс обучения и насколько он вам подходит. Не думайте, плохие способности к английскому — это ваш случай, ведь для каждого конкретного человека можно подобрать методику, которая обязательно даст свои плоды. В статье мы рассмотрим основные способы освоения English Language. 

Содержание статьи:


Стоит сразу отметить тот факт, что какого-то универсального способа изучения языка, который подойдет каждому человеку, точно не существует. Для кого-то проще запоминать отдельно взятые слова, кому-то важны стандартные методички, как в школе и университете, некоторым важно использовать слуховую память в обучении. Отсюда можно сделать логичный вывод: до того, как начать учить язык, внимательно проанализируйте свои личные индивидуальные особенности, а уже исходя из них выбирайте методики — да, лучше выбрать несколько, а уже после отсеять лишние. Важно обратить внимание на такие свои особенности, как:

  • уровень владения языком;
  • финансовые возможности;
  • количество свободного времени, которое вы готовы потратить на обучение;
  • интуитивное понимание того, чего вы ждете от занятий. 

Способы, которыми можно изучать английский язык

Есть три стандартных способа освоения иностранного языка, которые наверняка знакомы каждому. Их использует большинство людей: это не совсем методики, а скорее варианты того, как можно приступить к изучению. С них стоит начать каждому новичку, только вступающему на путь знакомства с английским. 

Английский в группе

Начаться такое обучение может уже в детском саду, но в большинстве случаев все начинается со школы. В образовательных учреждениях, которые посещают дети, все занятия проходят в групповом формате: преподаватель объясняет материал для всех, а закреплять новое предлагает с помощью упражнений, которые могут быть как индивидуальными, так и групповыми (от двух человек). Именно потому, что мы с детства приучены к такому типу обучения, во взрослом возрасте мы чаще выбираем курсы группового формата: их формат понятен каждому. Но стоит учесть, что подойдут занятия в группах далеко не всем, а значит имеют не только плюсы, но и минусы. 

К преимуществам, в первую очередь, обычно относят то, что обучаться вы будете под руководством опытного педагога, который знает, как найти подход к разным людям. А поскольку таких учеников будет несколько, то практиковаться в разговорном общении будет намного проще — внутри коллектива быстро создается языковая среда, где вы сможете отрабатывать те моменты, которые только изучили: это еще один очень важный плюс. Также хороши группы по английскому тем, что обычно в них преподаватель предоставляет огромное количество очень разных методических материалов, аудио- и видеофайлов — они помогают нагляднее понимать новый язык. 

Что касается недостатков, то, пожалуй, главным из них можно назвать ориентирование на один уровень обучения английскому. Это значит, что независимо от того, насколько хорошо вы усваиваете материал (а вы можете значительно отставать), ждать вас никто не будет — группа идет по плану. Индивидуальный подход тоже теряет свое значение, ведь преподавателю необходимо опросить несколько человек, а это забирает много времени, которое в идеале могло пойти только на вас. Стоит отметить, что работа в команде — это в целом не для всех, так как конфликты и разногласия никто не отменял, и даже в таком ответственном деле, как обучение, личное может выйти на первый план. 

Обучение языку с репетитором

Этот способ многим знаком еще со времен школы, когда кому-то не хватало баллов для прохождения экзаменов, а у кого-то не получалось самостоятельно подготовиться к контрольной и догнать своих одноклассников по программе. Занятия с репетитором по своей структуре похожи на групповые, но с одним разительным отличием: здесь все внимание направлено лишь на одного ученика — на вас. 

Главное, почему люди идут к репетиторам — индивидуальный подход и возможность проработать только нужные моменты английского, которые важны конкретно вам. Заниматься вы сможете сколько угодно, разбирая тему максимально подробно, ведь репетитор готов потратить на вас столько времени, сколько нужно. 

Главным минусом, пожалуй, можно назвать завышенную стоимость одного урока — но это и логично, учитывая то, как много вкладывает в хороший результат преподаватель. Но если вам повезет и вы найдете квалифицированного педагога, который не просто объяснит материал, но и настроится с вами на одну волну — то вы освоите новый язык без особых сложностей и в кратчайшие сроки. Ваш прогресс будет постоянно отслеживаться, а методика обучения корректироваться исходя из особенностей запоминания и понимания информации. 

Самостоятельное изучение иностранного языка

Сегодня, когда у каждого дома есть высокоскоростной интернет, компьютер, а также смартфон, способный на многое, вариантов и возможностей освоить язык самостоятельно стало как никогда много. Мы имеем доступ к совершенно любой информации в любое время и в любом месте: а значит, что те люди, что постоянно в движении и не могут быть привязаны к репетиторам и языковым школам могут заниматься сами, используя те же материалы. 

Заниматься можно даже по книгам и методичкам, которые сегодня имеются в любом книжном магазине: это удобно, ведь теорию вы сможете дополнить подходящими аудио- и видеоматериалами, словарями, картинками и таблицами, обустроив процесс так, как вам нравится. Из-за того, какое большое количество информации окружает нас сегодня, ежедневно все больше и больше человек останавливают свой выбор на самостоятельном изучении английского. Минус только, пожалуй, один: вам потребуется развитый навык самоорганизации, который позволит вам не запускать процесс обучения и уделять ему время каждый день, хотя бы по пол часа. 

Далее мы поговорим об авторских методиках изучения английского, которые составлены лучшими лингвистами и полиглотами со всего мира — к слову, они в большей степени предназначены для тех людей, что планируют заниматься самостоятельно.

Лучшие методики, позволяющие выучить английский

Люди, изучающие иностранные языки, совсем не похожи друг на друга и обладают совершенно разными способами восприятия и запоминания информации, и если раньше педагоги делали акцент на заучивание, то сегодня они все чаще прибегают к развитию осознанного сознательного и подсознательного восприятия. Появляется все больше и больше методик обучения языкам, которые учитывают наиболее развитые чувства, рефлексы и участки мозга человека — так освоение происходит еще качественнее и лучше. Мы рассмотрим несколько методик, каждую из которых точно можно назвать полноценной системой обучения языку, причем не только английскому, но и практически любому другому — но лишь с оговоркой на то, что с одной методикой вы добьетесь конкретного определенного уровня, не больше. 

Метод Пимслера

Пол Пимслер разработал эту методику еще в 60-х годах прошлого века, но она до сих пор широко известна, применяется по всему миру и даже запатентована. Основана она на восприятии языка на слух и включает в себя аудиокурсы, в каждом из которых 30 уроков длиной в 30 минут. Русскую версию методику вы найдете по названию Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers. Почему 30 минут? — спросите вы. Пимслер считал, что этот промежуток идеален для того, чтобы эффективно усвоить информацию и не успеть устать. 

Методика представляет собой изучение языка в форме диалогов: озвучкой занимаются не только носители языка, но и ваши соотечественники. Дикторы озвучивают задания для уроков, а вы не просто слушаете диалоги, но и принимаете в них участие, проговариваете в правильном виду каждое слово и фразу. Такой формат изучения языка отлично развивает разговорную речь, позволяет запомнить огромное количество фраз и выражений на английском. 

Методика особенно понравится тем, кто любит заниматься в любых возможных условиях: в машине, общественном транспорте, кафе, дома во время бытовых занятий и так далее. 

Метод Шехтера

Эта методика предлагает совершенно иной вариант изучения языка, который не предполагает способа “от теории — к практике”: наоборот, Игорь Шехтер предлагает нам учить английский так, как мы когда-то в детстве учили русский. Принципиально новый эмоционально-смысловой подход подразумевает то, что раз детям никто не объясняет принципов и правил языка (они изучаются чуть позже, в школе), но они все же овладевают определенным запасом слов и могут выстраивать предложения, то значит и взрослые так могут! 

В обучении будет три этапа: первый дает простейшие лексические единицы и выражения, которые можно сразу применять в языке, а на втором и третьем корректируется произношения и грамматика. К концу второго этапа у человека пропадет страх говорить на новом для него языке — ведь обязательными составляющими каждого урока являются доброжелательность, отсутствие зубрежки, а значит и усталости от нее. К концу обучения вы сможете говорить не шаблонными фразами из учебников, а формулировать мнение от себя, применяя только самые подходящие и нужные вам слова. 

Метод Драгункина

Александр Драгункин разработал методику, которая отличается от работ других авторов: если тот же Пимслер предлагает погружаться в иностранный язык полностью, то Драгункин говорит, что надо ориентироваться на русский, интерпретируя английский под его восприятие. 

Такое обучение не нагружает сложной грамматикой и правилами построения предложений: здесь нет “лишней” информации, поэтому методика предполагает более ускоренное изучение языка и его слов. Автор включает в обучение жаргонизмы, дружеское обращение на “ты” и метод ассоциаций, который помогает сопоставить английские выражения с похожими русскими. В целом, способ идеально подойдет для тех случаев, когда необходимо выучить основу в кратчайшие сроки — например, для командировки или спонтанного путешествия. Для получения более серьезных навыков метод подойдет навряд ли. 

Метод Петрова (проект “Полиглот”)

Метод “Полиглот” Дмитрия Петрова многим известен по одноименной программе на телеканале “Россия”: там восемь человек за 16 часов изучают английский язык, а каждая тема посвящена грамматической теме, освоению новой лексики и живому общению. Занятия проходят так, что с первого дня обучающиеся начинают говорить на новом языке, изучать новые слова и грамматику. Искусственное погружение в языковую среду начинается с самых простейших основ и постепенно переходит в сложные правила и лексические нормы. Каждый раз ученики получают новый грамматический и лексический минимум для самостоятельного изучения, а на занятии сразу же повторяются речевые структуры.  Методика предполагает навыки построения диалогов о хобби, профессии, семье, а также разговоры по телефону и через интернет. 

Метод Франка

Илья Франк — автор оригинального и довольно быстрого метода изучения английского, основанного на чтении литературы, которая адаптирована под эту методику. Выглядит это как небольшие тексты, части которых сразу же даются с переводом в скобках. Изучающий работает над переводом не целого текста, а отдельных его единиц, а перевод всегда перед глазами и запоминается лучше. Читая такие тексты, каждый раз ученик узнает что-то новое, запоминает новые интересные конструкции. 

Можно выделить один, но крупный минус такой техники: разговорному английскому время не уделяется, развиваются лишь навыки перевода и использования лексики. Зато методика Франка позволяет быстро и качественно пополнить словарный запас. 

Важно понимать, что одно лишь методики, пусть она и идеально вам подходит, точно не хватит для полного и качественного изучения языка. Намного правильнее будет обучаться комплексно, развивая каждый из навыков: и письмо, и чтение, и говорение. Меняйте стратегию изучения языка, практикуя работу разными способами. 


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pocket bully for sale | 28 ноября 2021 | 4:38

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

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Pocket bully for sale

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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

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Pocket bully for sale

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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

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Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

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Gun Safe

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Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the dime cartsindustries has an on going promotion to their newly developed flavors, CLICK HERfor more details.

Pocket bully for sale

Pocket bully for sale

smok nova

eureka carts

air bar max

air bar diamond

dime carts


dogo argentino for sale

Gun Safe

used Golf Cart for sale

Glock 19

Smok carts

Free Puppies looking for a new home, the Best and most important thing is that they are nurtured with love and played with everyday. All my little angels are whelped in my home, under my watchful eye. They are held and pre-spoiled from day one, Pocket bully home has occasional litters of Pocket bully for sale throughout the year CLICK HERE for more.
You might also want to know that the <a href="https://dimeca